Brown’s Promise Releases A Comprehensive Call to Action Document, Marking the 70th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

Washington, D.C. — Influential education and civil rights advocates are calling for renewed action toward school integration ahead of the 70th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

A newly released “Call to Action” document, issued by Brown’s Promise in partnership with the Education Law Center and the National Coalition on School Diversity, highlights the stalled progress on integration and the increasing urgency to address the racial and economic segregation that continues to plague America’s educational system. The document includes contributions from more than 30 experts, advocates, and litigators.  

Ary Amerikaner, co-founder and executive director at Brown’s Promise, emphasized the critical need for renewed school integration efforts. “As we reflect on the past 70 years, it is clear that integration is as crucial as ever. Not only for the enrichment of our schools but for the health of our democracy and the future of our nation,” Amerikaner said.

The document outlines a comprehensive vision for the future, detailing a clear and actionable roadmap of policy changes, research initiatives, and inclusive strategic actions necessary to rejuvenate integration efforts nationwide. Key initiatives include redrawing school district boundaries to be more diverse, securing equitable funding across districts, enhancing diversity among educators, and fostering school environments that prompt a culture of inclusion for all students across lines of race, ethnicity, family income, linguistic background, and immigration status. 

The roadmap for action is structured around three pivotal areas:

  • State Policy Change - Advocating for state-level policies that promote school integration and ensure every school has the necessary resources to provide high-quality education.

  • Actionable Research - Expanding research to more deeply understand and address the links between school funding, integration, and educational equity.

  • Strategic Advocacy and Litigation - Engaging in long-term, coalition-based strategic advocacy and litigation to enforce and expand integration efforts. This includes partnering with local and state organizations to empower communities most affected by educational inequities and, likely, state court litigation to change policies that sustain segregation. 

Robert Kim, Executive Director of Education Law Center, said, “Equitable, integrated, and well-resourced public schools are not only critical to enabling students to pursue their dreams; they are a vital component of our democracy. Policymakers, researchers, and advocates must double down on efforts to guarantee equal educational opportunity and access for all children no matter what their background.” 

Gina Chirichigno, Director of the National Coalition on School Diversity, added, “The path forward requires courage, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to justice. Together, we can fulfill the promise made 70 years ago — a promise of equity, inclusion, and opportunity for every student.”

The Call to Action document is a result of extensive collaboration between Brown’s Promise and a diverse group of advocates, litigators, researchers, and thought leaders focused on the intersection of school funding and desegregation.


Hosted at Southern Education Foundation, Brown’s Promise is fighting to advance educational equity through integration. Brown’s Promise combines research, litigation, advocacy, collaboration, and communications to create schools where children from all backgrounds learn together in excellent, well-resourced, diverse environments led by diverse educators. To learn more about Brown’s Promise, visit


School desegregation, reframed


OPINION: Sadly, our progress is stalled and backsliding 70 years after Brown v. Board